Members, S-Z |
Name |
Yrs. |
E-Mail or Zip Code |
Remarks |
Sachs, Rusty |
66-67 |
ClipClop6@hotmail.com |
UAMF founder, Pilot
Sales, Joe |
62 |
bigbird@vfronly.com |
Pilot |
Sanders, Gil |
Sauro, Christy |
67-69 |
Csauro@earthlink.net |
Embark and author |
Scanlan, Gerry |
62 |
jermar@sover.net |
Pilot |
Scarbrough, Bob
67-68 |
95214 |
c/c YL 37 |
Schaney, Tom |
66-67 |
a/g YL 31 |
Schryver, Peter |
1stLt |
KIA, Oct 11, 1968
Co-Pilot |
Schwend, Howard |
64 |
papahowie@comcast.net |
Pilot |
Sehnal, Larry |
62 |
Mjsehnal@aol.com |
?? |
Severson, Loyal
91331 |
Severson, Mike |
65-66 |
mikeann@optonline.net |
?? |
Sharr, Dan |
62 |
Pilot |
Shauer, Walt |
67-68 |
92688-1023 |
Pilot, CO
12/67-9/68 |
Shauley, Nick |
66-67 |
c/c YL 53 |
Sheehan, Bob |
66-67 |
Pilot |
Sheehan, Paul |
66-67 |
Pilot |
Shelton, Jim |
62 |
perro_d.oro@cox.net |
Pilot |
Shirley, Larry |
62 |
bearsr@suddenlink.net |
S-2 |
Shoopman, Dave |
68-69 |
d_shoopman@yahoo.com |
c/c |
Sigler, Leroy |
66-67 |
janaroy@aol.com |
c/c |
Sigman, BJ |
68-69 |
jsigmanuh34@erols.com |
last 34 c/c in USMC |
Simmers, Bill |
67-68 |
simmersb@aol.com |
c/c YL 52 |
Sinott, Bill |
66-67 |
sinnotts@aol.com |
Pilot |
Skinder, Bob |
66-67 |
bobskinder@bellsouth.net |
m/s,UAMF |
Smith, Arthur |
64-65 |
47920-0311 |
c/c YL 32 |
Smith, Bill |
65-66 |
runlynbil@sbcglobal.net |
Pilot |
Smith, Blake |
?? |
blakesleee@cox.net |
?? |
Smith, Chuck |
66-68 |
ChrSmith3@aol.com |
?> |
Smith, Walt |
?? |
70450-6931 |
?? |
Snee, Tom |
66-67 |
RTB - April, 2009 |
Pilot, PH |
Snipes, Doug |
68-69 |
dsnipes-286@earthink.net |
Pilot |
Sohm, Marc |
67-68 |
32141 |
m/s, TAD |
Soll, Pat |
68 - 69 |
patsoll@hotmail.com |
M/S, AG |
Sorensen, Ron |
69 |
RonH34@aol.com |
?? |
Southworth, Edward G. |
66-67 |
Southwortheg@aol.com |
Pilot |
Speroni, Vic |
67-68 |
jsperoni@columbus.rr.com |
c/c YL 54 |
Spiars, Early |
62 |
espiars@alpha1.net |
Pilot |
Spicer, Bill |
34711 |
Sproule, Willie |
66-67 |
WillieDUSMC@msn.com |
The Boss |
St. Pierre, Richard |
68-69 |
stpierre@emh2.campbell.army |
c/c |
Stanton, Mark |
67-68 |
mark.stanton1@verizon.nett |
p/l a/g YL 35 BOD-UAMF |
Steele, David L. |
61-64 |
gatorsteele@comcast.net |
Pilot |
Stefan, Lou |
68-69 |
stefanlou@juno.com |
Pilot |
Steward, Bob |
66 |
marineav@hotmail.com |
?? |
Stewart, John |
68-69 |
jds2273977@aol.com |
?? |
Stice, Terry |
69 |
tstice@cox-internet.com |
?? |
Stratton, Jerry |
?? |
larissa@gulftel.com |
?? |
Strawn, Edward |
65256 |
Street, Jim |
67-68 |
junestreet3@cox.net |
Pilot |
Sutter, Wayne |
66-67 |
Pilot |
Swenson, Dan |
66-67 |
55372 |
c/c |
Syslo, Joe |
67-68 |
Slyck14@aol.com |
Pilot |
Tatman, Ed (ET) |
66-67 |
ed-tatman@sbcglobal.net |
c/c YL 35 |
Thomas, Allan |
66-67 |
95682 |
Pilot |
Thomas, Kenny (Binky) |
68-69 |
thomask@bardstown.com |
Avionics / gunner |
Thompson, Gerald |
62 |
mat113@psu.edu |
Remarks |
Thurber, Tom |
66-67 |
thurbs@mindspring.com |
Pilot |
Tierney, Tom |
67 |
mchelo@bellsouth.net |
?? |
Toth, Ron |
67-68 |
onejarhead@aol.com |
C/C YL 41 |
Travis, Chuck |
67 |
judgetravis@sbcglobal.net |
?? |
Tubbs, Charles |
62,65-6 |
cktubbs@yahoo.com |
Pilot |
Tuno, CT |
66-67 |
ctsemperfi@verizon.net |
c/c YL 44 |
Turner, Larry |
65-66 |
turnerco@netins.net |
Pilot |
Turner, Nick |
Today |
turnern002@hawaii.rr.com |
Pilot |
Tygart, Daryl |
67-68 |
RTB 11-4-2008 |
c/c YL 43 |
Upshaw, Charlie |
66-67 |
cupshaw200@msn.com |
Pilot/ CO |
Vacca, Don |
62 |
mormorfar@aol.com |
Pilot |
Van Liew, Dennis |
65-66 |
dncvanliew@cox.net |
Pilot |
Vasquez, Art |
65-66 |
arbren@earthlink.com |
C/C |
Vaughn, Joe |
?? |
jvaughn@okc.cc.ok.us |
?? |
Veazey, Dave |
23692 |
Viano, Paul |
67-68 |
pvianojr@aol.com |
Pilot |
Vignere, Joel |
66-67 |
aba303@centurytel.net |
Pilot/ mountain man |
Villarreal, Santigo, MD |
67-68 |
78228 |
Gunner YL 32 |
Visconti, Frank |
1stLt |
KIA, Nov. 22, 1965 |
Pilot |
Waite, Jeffrey |
66-67 |
jdoorgunner@aol.com |
A/G |
Wakeman, Newt |
?? |
irshwlfhd5@aol.com |
Flight Surgeon |
Waldrath, Sayles (Wally) |
66-67 |
anf@mchsi.com |
m/s |
Waldridge, Wally |
68-69 |
wallyman45@aol.com |
?C/C YL 1 |
Walker, Bill |
66-67 |
RTB, 2008 |
Line Chief |
Walker, Tommie |
68-69 |
mtbags@att.net |
?? |
Wallis, William
66-67 |
outadrs@aol.com |
C/C |
Walter, William T. |
75569-2237 |
Walters, Frank |
62 |
fwalters@sbcglobal.net |
Pilot |
Warner, Bob (Deke) |
66-67 |
RTB - 11/10/04 |
Pilot |
Warning, Tom |
68 |
twarning@yahoo.com |
Waters, Joe |
painter46383@yahoo.com |
Waters, William (Muddy) |
65-66 |
muddyh2os@earthlink.com |
Pilot |
Watkins, David |
99156 |
Wato, Edison |
65 - 66 |
ewato@osogrande.com |
C/C |
Weil, Paul |
pdweil1@earthlink.net |
Wendling, Doug |
61-62 |
27927-2204 |
?? |
West, Al |
68-69 |
Rancher_al@yahoo.com |
Pilot |
Whaley, Bob |
62 |
whale@montana.com |
Pilot |
Wheeler, Carl |
66-67 |
nauvoo@bellsouth.net |
Pilot |
Wiedower, William |
68-69 |
william.wiedower@ngc.com |
Wilkison, Billy G |
68-69 |
RTB 9/1/01 |
Willey, Bill |
66-67 |
RTB 6/20/07 |
c/c YL 42 |
Williams, JC |
62 |
23111 |
avionics |
Williams, Joe |
66-67 |
jrwbok@hughes.net |
C/C |
Wilson, Tim |
68-69 |
c/c |
Wimmler, Charles (Wimpy) |
62 |
cjwmlr@earthlink.net |
Pilot |
Wood, Charles |
62 |
95003 |
Pilot |
Wood, Robert C. |
67-68 |
grumpywood@gmail.com |
Gunner |
Woods, Glennon |
57-60 |
glennon.woods@tx.rr.com |
Pilot |
Wunderlich, Bob |
66-67 |
chiefrhw@yahoo.com |
Avionics |
Yantis, Kenny |
Cpl |
KIA, March 31, 1968
Crew Chief |
York, Del |
68-69 |
fyork@triad.rr.com |
c/c YL 16 |
Yung, Carl |
65-66 |
theyungs@metalink.net |
Pilot |
Zacker, Mike |
65-66, 68-69 |
sgtmajz@san.rr.com |
avionics |
Zamora, George |
68-69 |
77304-2787 |
?? |
Zongker, Merle |
Korea |
kszonk@worldnet.att.net |
?? |
Updated Sept. 1, 2009 |